Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Poem: Dimensional Barrier and the Question of God! or You Are My God!

எனது ஆங்கில வலைப்பதிவில் Dimensional Barrier and the Question of God! or You Are My God! என்னும் தலைப்பிலொரு கவிதையினைப் பதிவிட்டுள்ளேன். அதனை எனது டிவிட்டர் பக்கத்திலும் பகிர்ந்துள்ளேன். உங்களுடனும் பகிர்ந்து கொள்கின்றேன்.

Poem: Dimensional Barrier and the Question of God! or You Are My God!

Below us, there are Flatlanders.
Visiting their world is my preferred hobby.
Differences in dimensions benefit us,
because of this,
the world of Flatlanders always entrances me.
The reason behind this bliss is the superiority complex.
It's our weakness as well.
Is it not enough for my bliss or entrancement?I am their god.
My abilities are miracles.
They never break the dimensional barrier
that exists between us,
just as I can't break the dimensional barrier
between you and me.
You are my god!
Who is your god?
If I am your creation,
and you are someone's creation,
who is the mother of all gods?

My Twitter - https://twitter.com/vng230/status/1754876629464109489

My Blog - https://vngiritharancorner.blogspot.com/2024/02/poem-dimensional-barrier-and-question.html#more

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கலைஞர் மு.கருணாநிதியின் தமிழ்மொழிப் பங்களிப்பு - குறளோவியம், தொல்காப்பியப் பூங்கா & திருக்குறள் உரை!

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